You Can Help Kevin!
For over 30 Years Kevin Trudeau has been serving humanity by exposing corporate and government corruption, revealing secrets “THEY” don’t want you to know.
Kevin has been a fearless voice to the voiceless and has given power to the powerless.
For three decades the “Powers that Be” have been trying to silence and discredit Kevin by spreading misinformation, distorted facts, and lies.
In what is being called “The Greatest Injustice in American History”, the US Federal Government sentenced Kevin to 10 years for “Contempt of Court”, as well as confiscating all of Kevin’s assets and possessions worldwide. We believe this is because Kevin dared to go on TV and talk about his #1 NY Times bestselling books and express his opinions about natural ways to cure and prevent disease.
Kevin needs your financial help now!
Partner Contribution
One Time Contribution
Kevin has empowered hundreds of millions around the world by teaching the secrets of:
- Natural ways to cure and prevent disease without drugs and surgery, and how to attain dynamic vibrant health naturally.
- How to attain wealth by knowing the secrets of banking, the power of the Law of Attraction, and other insider knowledge held exclusively by the privileged elite class and the “ruling families” of the world.
- The most important and precious gift of all: inner peace, joy and bliss, by attaining consciousness and awareness at the highest levels. The secrets of true happiness.
“The soul has no secrets that behaviour does not reveal.” ~Lao Tzu
Who is Kevin Trudeau?

Kevin Trudeau is a NY Times #1 international bestselling author with over
50 million books sold.
His book “Natural Cures ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know About” exposed how “Big Pharma” has been lying about the safety and effectiveness of their drugs, causing more disease and illness than curing diseases.
Kevin’s book “Debt Cures” exposed how the Big Banks are ripping people off all over the world, effectively making us slaves to debt and effectively “owned” by the rich and powerful. Kevin gives us the solution!
Kevin’s book “Free Money” exposed the US Federal Grant programs and how the friends and supporters of politicians get most of the “Free Money” from the government. More importantly, Kevin exposed the little-known “secret methods” that allow average people to get their fair share of this “Free Money”.
On “The Kevin Trudeau Show” (Kevin’s radio show), Kevin predicted the suppression and censorship of free speech by the government and big tech companies.
Kevin has been serving humanity for decades, helping people improve the quality of their lives and increase their standard of living. Kevin has given people the knowledge and “power” to control their lives and be the master of their destiny.
See The Whole Story Here About What Really Happened
The privileged elite ruling class does not want you to know this
empowering information.
Kevin has awakened hundreds of millions around the world and taken many out of their “trance”. Those who were previously “sheeple” are now powerful lions who see and know “truth”.
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” ~Albert Einstein
Help Kevin Now!
Kevin Trudeau has been exposing corporate and Government corruption for over 30 years, revealing insider secrets “They” don’t want you to know about. And for those same 30 years, we believe the US Government has been trying to silence Kevin.
Kevin’s right to free speech.
Kevin Trudeau is a Hero and Freedom Fighter.
He is a former insider at the highest levels on the global scene (think Yale’s Skull and Bones; The Bilderberg Group; Bohemian Grove; and the Brotherhood). Kevin however did the unthinkable… he left the inner sanctum that he was a member of for decades. Kevin “knows” the truth about how to “manifest” and attain what you desire; how to have perfect dynamic health; and most importantly, how to guide people to live in a state of bliss, happiness, and joy that springs up from within.
Kevin “knows” this, he does not just “know about” this.
Kevin has a huge reach and is an enormous global influencer (hundreds of millions around the world listen to Kevin). Thus, Kevin has been a major threat to those in “power and control” around the world.
“Every Saint has a past… And every Sinner, a future”. ~Oscar Wilde
The super-wealthy and those in the elite ruling class have enjoyed unfair advantages in life including insider banking knowledge, knowing how to access finance and credit, as well as always being treated completely differently in the criminal justice system (we can all see this plainly now more than ever).
Kevin has been giving the “little guy” the power and tools they never had before to improve one’s “conditions” in life. This makes people more self-reliant instead of government-reliant. This is very good for the people, but angers those in power who want the masses to be “enslaved”.
Kevin revealed how drug companies can manufacture fake and false studies about the safety and effectiveness of their drugs – all to promote the lie that some of their drugs are safe and effective. This has all been proven to be 100% true now.
For decades the US Government, “Big Pharma” and the mainstream media have been spreading false information about Kevin.
The government simply stated as fact, many allegations that were unsubstantiated, undocumented, and never proven to be true.
In 2012 however, a US Federal Judge held Kevin in “Contempt of Court” when Kevin refused to stop talking, exposing Big Pharma on his radio and television shows. The Judge’s claim was that Kevin misrepresented the contents of his book in one of Kevin’s TV Infomercials. Kevin was found “guilty”. Kevin maintains his innocence.
More people now, from all around the world are listening to Kevin because they see the truth. All “their” efforts trying to silence Kevin have simply made him stronger and have proven everything he has said is true.
Kevin has been fearless, knowing the consequences he was facing by serving humanity.
The only people that say bad things about Kevin are the government and mainstream media. This says it all. The over 50 million people who have purchased Kevin’s books, and over 100 million that listen to Kevin on radio, love Kevin!
“They” took everything away from Kevin in an attempt to discredit him and “break him” and stop him from revealing the “agenda” of the privileged parasitical ruling elite class. They did not take away Kevin’s knowing that his “mission” is to give power to the powerless and give a voice to the voiceless.
Read Kevin’s Mission (Click here).
Kevin is committed to helping us attain all our dreams and goals, attain spectacular health and longevity, and be anchored in a state of true inner peace, joy and happiness.
Read “The State Of Consciousness” written by Kevin (Click Here).
We at The Official Kevin Trudeau Fan Club want to help Kevin. That is why we set up this website where you can contribute to Kevin directly.
We want to assist Kevin with his financial needs so he can get back to helping all of us by sharing his knowledge and energy.
Kevin is more focused and committed now more than ever to serving humanity. He is dedicated to selflessly helping each of us achieve our dreams and live the life we always dreamed of – helping us be, do and have all our desires.
Kevin can help us attain inner peace, joy and bliss that is beyond human comprehension.
During the time Kevin was incarcerated, he went through a massive transformation process himself. He went through a “Wall of Fire” that he wrote about in his “Prison Diaries” Click Here.
This allowed Kevin a rare opportunity to go to a new level of awareness and open his “heart” even more.
Kevin’s vibration is higher than ever. His awareness and state of consciousness are beyond most people’s imagination (yet he says he is still transforming). We see that his mental, spiritual and energetic abilities that have been released are beyond the word “powerful” (yet Kevin humbly says he is far from complete).
Kevin is committed to giving you all he has and more. He is committed to helping you achieve your dreams and live a life so spectacular, abundant, and filled with success that it is beyond your wildest imaginations.
But more important than his past business success, is the fact that Kevin is more spiritually aware and conscious now. He is “awake” now more than ever.
Become A PARTNER With Kevin
Partner Contribution
One Time Contribution
When you give to Kevin, you release “The Power of Giving”. Kevin has taught on this subject and offers Free Lessons on this “magical” method of unleashing the attractive force of the Universe. Get the Free Lessons Click Here.
“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.” ~Albert Einstein
You may give a one time financial gift to Kevin of any amount or become a Partner with Kevin by setting up an automatic monthly contribution of at least $25.
Kevin’s programs do more for people, produce better results, and have more positive effects in ways, unlike any other personal development training course, success coach, or even some spiritual gurus. We believe Kevin is unique and one of a kind. He radiates more love now because Kevin is transforming into pure love.
Kevin loves people and is filled with compassion.
Kevin’s focus is on helping you achieve all your dreams, maintain dynamic physical health, and attain complete spiritual freedom and liberation, allowing you to experience joy, happiness, and bliss in a perpetual state.
“First, they ignore you. Then, they laugh at you. Then, they attack you. Then, you win.” ~Mahatma Gandhi