Kevin’s Mission & Purpose

To improve your quality of life and standard of living in all areas and aspects including:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional
  • Health
  • Money / Finances
  • Career / Business
  • Relationships / Family / Social

To help you become

  • “Liberated” spiritually, emotionally and financially 
  • “FREE” and attain “FREEDOM” on all levels
  • “Awakened”, “Enlightened” and fully “Conscious”
  • Empowered to attain supreme, dynamic health
  • “Successful” and financially independent
  • Capable of attaining all your material desires
  • To increase your standard of living and quality of life, so you enjoy prosperity and abundance in all areas
  • To increase love, compassion and kindness within you
  • To empower you to attain your dreams, goals and desires, whatever they may be.
  • To help you attain inner peace, joy and bliss… so you can be truly happy and fulfilled.

This MISSION is being achieved by providing information, knowledge, and training (much of which has never been revealed before) in the forms of:

  • Books
  • Audio courses
  • Video courses
  • Online training
  • Live seminars/workshops
  • Through the “transfer and awakening of energy” (known in the East as Shaktipat)
  • By educating thousands of “trainers/leaders” from all around the world who will help spread this ancient, “secret” knowledge, and new technologies that are being discovered
  • Podcasts, radio and TV programming
  • Newsletters and various publications

The underlying major purpose of this Mission is ultimately to bring you to “Enlightenment/SELF Realization” and total fulfillment.

This will awaken your inner light and release your inner peace, joy, and bliss, thus spreading love and compassion all around the world.

Mr. Trudeau has stated:

“You are the pure and perfect expression and extension of God’s love. Just as God is Love, so are you. You are Love.”

Ultimately, we may all realize that we are all the perfect extension and expression of the ONE Universal Consciousness that is all things.

The Mission therefore can be summarized to say simply:

“Help You be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy”

~ The Official Kevin Trudeau Fan Club