The Expanded Golden Rule

You have heard of the “Golden Rule”, which is “Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”.

This rule activated the Law of Attraction; the Law of Giving and Receiving; and the Law of Karma.

Using this rule will help manifest in your life what you want.

But there is an “Expanded Golden Rule” which is:

•    DO to others as you want them to do to you.
•    TALK to others, as you want them to talk to you.
•    TALK ABOUT others as you want others to talk about you.
•    THINK ABOUT others as you want them to think about you.

This is extremely powerful. 

Whatever you DO to others, will be done to you in time.

What you say to others and how you talk to others will in time create how people talk to you and what they say to you.

What you talk about others will create people talking the same way about you behind your back.

What you think about others will create people thinking about you the same way.

How do you want others to treat you? Then treat them that way FIRST.

How do you want others to talk to you? Then talk to others that way FIRST.

How do you want others to talk about you when you are not listening? Then talk about other people that way FIRST.

How do you want others to think about you? Then think about them that way FIRST.

What you sow you will reap. What you “give” you will get. This is the Law of Karma; The Law of Giving and Receiving; The Law of Attraction.

You now possess the secret to creating the life you desire. 

Think on these things. 

Much love, GuruKev